• Broadcast length: 45 minutes, with a pre and post-workshop activity included in the teacher guide


  • May 6, 9:30AM – Grade 1/2 – French
  • May 6, 1:00PM – Grade 3/4 – French
  • May 7, 9:30AM – Grade 5/6 – French
  • May 7, 1:00PM – Grade 7/8 – French
  • May 8, 9:30AM – Grade 1-4 – English
  • May 8, 1:00PM – Grade 5-8 – English

Artist Biography

Mitchell Larsen (iel/lea) est artiste performative multidisciplinaire genre-fluide qui aime en particulier créer et partager des pièces nouvelles. Récemment, vous pourrez lea voir dans La Petite Sirène au Persephone Theatre, installé au Remai Modern dans Contracter/Relâcher par Brendan Fernandes, ou dans Capitaine Jack et la Tige d’Haricot par le Wide Open Puppet Theatre. Dans son temps libre, iel aime l’escalade, nager, et passer du temps avec son mari et leurs deux chats.

Mitchell Larsen (they/them) is a queer, genderfluid performing artist based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Their work includes elements of theatre, dance, music, poetry, and performance art. You may have seen them pretending to be an alien for Theatre in the Park; balancing on chairs and swinging from staircases at the Remai Modern; or dressed up as a starfish at the Persephone Theatre. Currently they spend their time editing scripts, climbing walls, and practicing fight choreography.

Join Mitchell as they show your class how to not just act and read a script, but devise their own unique theatre piece.


Please complete this form, and indicate which session you will be participating in.

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Session Registration

Theatre with Mitchell Larsen

Tue., May 6th, 9:30AMGrade 1/2 - French

Theatre with Mitchell Larsen

Tue., May 6th, 1:00PMGrade 3/4 - French

Theatre with Mitchell Larsen

Wed., May 7th, 9:30AMGrade 5/6 - French

Theatre with Mitchell Larsen

Wed., May 7th, 1:00PMGrade 7/8- French

Theatre with Mitchell Larsen

Thurs., May 8th, 9:30AMGrade 1-4 - English

Theatre with Mitchell Larsen

Thurs., May 8th, 1:00PMGrade 5-8 - English
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